Of Normandy, an ancient and noble family.
ARMS- Azure, a chevron d'or, between three mullets of the same
Used by the descenants of Thomas Grandin, Lord of Galonniere, living in 1330. From whom the New Jersey Grandins are believed to be descended
The earliest named ancestor of the American branch of the grandin family was Peter Grandin. He lived on the Isle of Jersey and was the father of Elie Grandin, who was born about the year 1600. He lived in St. Ouen's Parish, in the western part of the island. The church dates back to the year 1130. The following is a translation from the French of a part of the record of ST. Ouen's church:
"1662--A little before was buried Elie Grandin which was on the 18th of July 1662 with a sermon preached by Mr. Gruchy and reading at the grave of the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England."
He married, about the year 1630 Jeanne Durel. The record continues:
"1662--The 27th of August was buried Jeanne Durel, wife of Elie Grandin."
[see also, Le Brocq]