Arms of Throckmorton of Coughton Court, Warwickshire, England.
ARMS- Gules on a chevron argent three bars gemel sable.
CREST- An elephant's head couped sable armed or.
MOTTO- Virtus Sola Nobilitas
Translation- Virtue alone is noble
(Arms per Judy Gupton, adapted by me.)
(Some of the later branches of family replace the old crest with "On a wreath, a falcon volante, proper, armed with Bells Jessant, Aurum.
Arms also found with the motto: Moribus Antiquis)
John Throckmorton, the great-great-great-grandson of Thomas Throckmorton and his wife Margaret Olney of Coughton Court, was christened 9 May 1601, Norwich, Norfolk, England.
John was the son of Bassingbourne Throckmorton and his wife Mary Hill. John married Rebecca Colville, also born in England, and came to America, arriving at Nantasket, Massachusetts 5 Feb 1631, in the ship "Lyon," of which Mr. William Pierce was Master. The "Lyon" set sail from Bristol, 1 Dec 1630. On May 18, following his arrival, he was admitted a Freeman at Salem, Mass.
He Became a Baptist and followed the footsteps of Roger Williams, his fellow passenger in the "Lyon," into Rhode Island, in the summer of 1635 or 1636.
In 1643, he made application to the Dutch to settle within their jurisdiction which was granted. This grant, subsequently called Throckmorton's Neck or Throg's Neck, embraced the eastern part of the present town. Throckmorton's settlement had a short existence and was obliterated by the Indian uprising in the fall of 1643, when it was set upon by the savages and every vestige of it destroyed. Eighteen persons were killed and those who were so fortunate to escape death, made their way to the Fort at New Amsterdam and "some that escaped from the Indian attack went back to Rhode Island," says Winthrop. Among those who returned was John Throckmorton.In 1647, John Throckmorton was living in Providence, and was asked to pay
fifteen pounds wampum for a house.
On 27 Feb 1647, He was granted the house of Edward Cope, provided he satisfied
the Deputies of Providence, the amount of a certain lien against said property.
2 Sept 1650, He was taxed L1-3-4, at Providence, R.I.
In 1652, he was Town Moderator, at Providence, R.I.
In 1664, he became interested in the development of East Jersey, and shortly
thereafter became one of the Monmouth Patentees.
In 1664, '65, '66, '67, '68, '70, '71, '72 ,'73, and '75 he was a Deputy in
Rhode Island.
31 May 1666, he took the oath of allegiance to Charles II, at Providence.
14 Jun 1672, John Throckmorton, of Rhode Island, conveyed to his son John
Throckmorton land in Middletown, New Jersey.
15 Jun 1675, he [John Sr.], still of Rhode Island, sold one hundred forty acres
at ______ to Daniel Abbott.
In 1677, John Throckmorton was town Treasurer; also in the same year a member
of the Town Committee.
In 1679, he was taxed 7s. 6d.
In 1687, his ratable estate was two house lots and four shares of meadow.
1687, "Estate of deceased John Throckmorton" taxed 3s. ......
He became a trader or merchant in his new home, and likewise was the owner of vessels which carried him to Viginia, up the Delaware River, and to Manhattan.
He died while visiting his sons John and Job Throckmorton, at Middletown, New Jersey, between March 17th and April 25th 1683/4, and was interred in the Lippit Burying ground, later known as the Taylor Burying ground, off the main highway of the village of Middletown, Monmouth, New Jersey. [for more see Stillwell]
Children of John Throckmorton and Rebecca Colville: